Jet Lag Tips! - Travel Buddy UK
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Jet Lag Tips!

Jet Lag Tips …

So many of us suffer with jet lag when travelling long haul (I know I do!) but there are some ways to relieve it both upon your arrival to your destination and upon your return home.

Jet lag is not only caused by the difference in time zones but also the lack of oxygen during the flight itself – the longer the flight, the worse the jet lag.
Exercise is actually thought to be the most helpful way to relieve jet lag. It is advised that before your travel to the airport, a HIT workout is completed(!)
Now we aren’t too sure on this next part but during the flight, it is recommend that you stretch, lunge (!) and squat intermittently throughout the flight to help improve your oxygen levels.

Lastly, after that long tedious flight, experts say a half an hour swim or brisk run/walk upon your arrival (exercise over cocktails!) will help your body adjust to the journey it’s taken.

Taking maximum naps of one hour during your holiday (and when home) is necessary to help assist you in getting into your new “time zone swing”, however don’t be that one person who drinks too many all inclusive drinks upon arrival at 3pm and is then asleep by 7pm but awake at 2am. We’ve all been there … Haven’t we?

So in short – squats on the plane whilst sipping your G&T, swimming to and from the pool bar upon arrival and short but sweet naps upon your return home … eh voila! Jet lag be gone!

Travel Buddy UK

